For Deloris

Your youth I have survived - so far

And now your day has come.

Old age ain’t what it ought to be

It’s really not that fun.

At last you’ve reached the summit

It’s all downhill from here.

And so I give you much advice

From one who’s practiced years.

To help you totter with the rest

This cane I give you now.

With instructions that you use it right

And now I’ll tell you how.

Squawk loudly with the horn

When one gets in your way.

Let ’em know you’re coming

They should move without delay.

A glance in the rearview mirror

Before you backward go,

Will warn you of the dangers

That lurk to trip down low.

The rabbit foot is added

For luck another year.

Who knows, by then a hair of gray

May even dare appear.

Love, May 1998